Main Activities

Main activities

The working methodology that NATOUR uses reconciles project implementation methodology with curriculum development methodology. The work programme has 6 major activities, as follows:

Activity 1: Development of a joint post-graduate study programme in ecotourism and interpretive nature guiding and its institutionalization in each partner HEI;

Activity 2: Building institutional and human resource capacity for quality assurance and joint PC-EU delivery of the new programme;

Activity 3: Launching, delivering and ensuring sustainability of the new programme in each partner HEI;

Activity 4: Project quality assurance and control – transversal activity implemented throughout the project’s lifetime and imbedded in the development activities through iterative internal peer review & evaluation sessions and assessment of project results by stakeholders;

Activity 5: Dissemination, exploitation and sustainability of the project results;

Activity 6: Project management and monitoring.

The result from the implementation of the abovementioned activies is as follows:

– Clear definition of sectoral requirements to competences and skills of an ecotourism professional in the three Partner Countries;

– Collaborative development of a joint curriculum, learning content and teaching methodology in transnational teams and incremental improvements to the new programme, relying on the results of its validation by key stakeholders;

– Building institutional and human resource capacity for joint PC-EU delivery of the new programme in diverse modes allowing for onsite, blended or online learning;

–  Building institutional and human resource capacity for quality assurance of the joint PC-EU programme;

– Joint delivery of the programme in PC and EU HEIs, including students’ training, student mobility (internships in Europe), mutual recognition of credits and award of qualifications.