Module 1
New trends in ecotourism and nature-based tourism
- Topic 1. Ecotourism: definition, principles, and practical application
- Topic 2. Ecotourism in the wider framework of tourism: Main trends of domestic and international tourism and ecotourism
- Topic 3. Ecotourism in the framework of nature-based tourism: similarities and differences with other types of nature-based tourism experiences
- Topic 4. Ecotourism and the design of experiences: Characteristics, elements, and factors of the tourist experience
- Topic 5. Sustainable tourism and ecotourism: fundamentals, objectives, principles, and current trends. The key role of ecotourism as a driver of global sustainable tourism
- Topic 6. Ecosystem services: the benefits of the natural environment to human beings and the important role of ecotourism
- Topic 7. Natural resources for ecotourism: geology, fauna, flora and fungi, ecosystems, and natural landscapes
- Topic 8. Cultural resources for ecotourism: Tangible and intangible cultural heritage
- Topic 9. Protected areas: characteristics, categories, and opportunities for ecotourism
- Topic 10. Positive and negative impacts of tourism in the natural environment. Patterns of environmentally responsible behaviours of tourists / visitors in natural areas
- Topic 11. Regulation of public use and management of natural areas affected by tourism pressure
Module 2
Creation and management of ecotourism products, partnerships and companies
- Topic 1. Management principles for ecotourism companies and products: Planning, organisation, direction, and control
- Topic 2. Ecotourism stakeholders at different levels. Principles and methods of stakeholder analysis
- Topic 3. Public-private partnerships, potential partnerships and opportunities for communities and local businesses to invest in, participate in and benefit from ecotourism
- Topic 4. Management of the value chain activities within the ecotourism frameworks
- Topic 5. Principles of marketing for ecotourism companies and products
- Topic 6. Communication techniques, including digital tools and social networks
- Topic 7. Benchmarking on existing ecotourism products, targeting potential audiences and developing new products
- Topic 8. Identification of the needs and expectations of clients, and evaluation of the satisfaction of ecotourism activities
- Topic 9. Sustainability practices that can be implemented at company level
- Topic 10. Corporate social responsibility and ecotourism
- Topic 11. Criteria and initiatives for certification of ecotourism and sustainable tourism
Module 3
The context of nature guiding in ecotourism
- Topic 1. Definition and characteristics of a professional nature guide
- Topic 2. Guiding techniques and orientation techniques: elements to consider in guided activities in the natural environment
- Topic 3. Design of ecotourism activities in a natural area carried out by a professional nature guide
- Topic 4. Target audience: Different tourist segments, needs and expectations. The role of the tourist
- Topic 5. Materials and equipment
- Topic 6. Group dynamics
- Topic 7. Leadership in ecotourism and nature guiding
- Topic 8. Risk and conflict management techniques for effective group management
- Topic 9. First aid techniques and basic evacuation techniques. Health and safety procedures
Module 4
Interpretation of the natural environment
- Topic 1. Introduction: definition of heritage interpretation. Genesis and history of heritage interpretation. Forms of heritage interpretation
- Topic 2. Contents in interpretation of nature: The concept and perception of nature. Natural landscapes and their origin. Biomes versus anthromes. Interpretation of natural, cultural and economic landscapes
- Topic 3. Interpretation in the natural environment: The Principles of Heritage Interpretation
- Topic 4. Principles of planning of interpretation: Administration and management of experience. The tourist script.
- Topic 5. Interpretation techniques: Verbal and non-verbal communication techniques and tools for effective group management
- Topic 6. Interpretation related to activities in natural areas
- Topic 7. Content delivery techniques: interpretation and storytelling
- Topic 8. The importance of the tourist profile in interpretation